36 words

As stated by W.H. Arthur in the jam overview:

One of my original intent for 12-word RPG Jam is the possibility for designers to create games with multiple sentences of equal word count—each sentence can be a step in the gameplay loop, or an instruction for a specific role. Like 12, 36 is a highly composite number with many divisors—1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 18 and 36. Thus, a 36-word RPG can potentially be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 18 and 36 sets of instructions of equal number of words.

I'm pretty happy with the musicality of my sentences. More precisely, each paragraph is respectively:

- 8-word long.

- 4-word long.

- 2-word long.

- 10-word long.

- 12-word long (with a nice 6 and 6-word long sentence !).

I think that's a neat part of the design! :)


We Were All Reasonably Good-Looking When We Embarked, but Were Otherwise When We Returned.pdf 355 kB
31 days ago

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